Vaughn Heppner
Star Soldier (Book 1)

It’s survival of the fittest in a terrible war of extinction!
Created in the gene labs as super soldiers, the Highborn decided to replace the obsolete Homo sapiens. They pirated the Doom Stars and captured the Sun Works Ring around Mercury. Now, they rain asteroids, orbital fighters and nine-foot drop troops onto Earth in a relentless tide of conquest.
Marten Kluge is on the receiving end. Hounded by Thought Police, he lives like an ant in a kilometer-deep city. The invasion frees him from a re-education camp but lands him in the military, fighting for the wrong side.
STAR SOLDIER is the story of techno hell in a merciless war, with too many surprises for any grunt’s sanity.
Bio Weapon (Book 2)

Humans are the warheads in a lethal contest of missiles vs. long-range beams in deep space.
The desperate Homo sapiens of Earth launch their experimental beamship. Its ultra-tracking and breakthrough technology allows it to out-range the Doom Stars.
The Highborn want that ship. They send swarms of missiles, knowing few will reach it. In the nosecones are their secret weapons—Free Earth Corps heroes from the Japan Campaign.
Launched from the giant missiles like shells in a shotgun, Marten Kluge and his friends must ride their torps into the particle shields and storm aboard the beamship or die in the cold vacuum of space.
BIO WEAPON is the story of a suicide ride to hell through a techno blizzard of war.
Battle Pod (Book 3)

The war of extinction enters a horrifying new round as the cyborgs arrive from the Neptune System, in this, the third book of the series.
The Highborn are remorselessly crushing the obsolete Homo sapiens. Gambling with humanity’s existence, Supreme Commander James Hawthorne attempts to lure the dreaded Doom Stars into a trap. Social Unity’s combined Battlefleet is the bait. The cyborgs are Hawthorne’s secret weapon.
Unfortunately, for Marten Kluge, a vast space battle threatens to take place around Mars. And that is exactly where he and Omi need to go to refuel their stolen shuttle. To reach the Jupiter System, they will need more than luck and Marten’s stubbornness.
BATTLE POD is the story of long-range beams, stealth-capsules and survival of the fittest in a techno-battle hell.
Cyborg Assault (Book 4)

The war expands to the Jupiter System, in this, the fourth book of the series.
As the Mars Campaign ends, stealth-capsules launch from the Neptune System. Months later, they glide into the Confederation of Jovian Moons. Cyborgs emerge to begin phase one among the Homo sapiens.
The Jovians follow the Dictates, a perfected philosophy where the rational rule, the spirited fight and the brutish labor. The moons have wealth, a powerful fleet and hardened Secessionists who want freedom from the Dictates.
Marten reaches the Jupiter System as phase one of the cyborg campaign nears its completion. Believing himself safe, Marten enters the harshest battle of his life, with mankind’s fate resting on his choices.
CYBORG ASSAULT is the story of desperate space marines, meteor-ships and ruthless creatures of symbiotic machine-flesh.
Planet Wrecker (Book 5)

One by one, the moons and habitats of the Outer Planets have gone silent: Neptune, Uranus and Saturn. After the cyborg assault against the Jupiter System, the reasons seem obvious.
Those of the Inner Planets desperately scan the void for sign of a cyborg invasion fleet. Finally, one man discovers a blip. The blip becomes something terrifying: asteroids hurtling toward Earth. The asteroids bristle with laser turrets and missiles, and their velocity and heading can only mean one thing. The rocky objects are meant to crash into Earth to annihilate the beleaguered Homo Sapiens and their Highborn tormenters.
Into this grim situation arrives Marten Kluge, envoy from the Jovians and Force-Leader of a meteor-ship. He has elite patrol-boat pilots and his troop-pods are full of veteran space marines. Before this is through, he’s going to need them all.
PLANET WRECKER is the story of genocidal cyborgs, arrogant Highborn and desperate men and women with their backs to the wall.